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Group Welcome and Introduction

This project is designed to give you hands-on experience in media production, from planning and recording to editing and publishing.

Project Overview

You will each select an art-related topic from a list of approved attractions in Southern New Jersey.

Throughout the project, you will work independently on your chosen topic, creating audio and video content that will be featured on the Bridgeton Beacon podcast and video channels.

You will gain exposure to all stages of production, gaining valuable skills and knowledge along the way.

Benefits of Participation

  1. Real-World Production Experience:

    • You will learn the ins and outs of media production, including:
      • Production planning
      • Audio and video recording techniques
      • Editing and post-production
      • Fair use and copyright considerations
      • Transcription and copywriting
      • Art design and media kits
      • Podcast and media syndication
      • Creating social media video shorts
  2. Production Credit:

    • Upon completion, you will receive a production credit on and its associated podcasts and video channels. This credit will be a testament to your hard work and dedication.
  3. College and Job Applications:

    • Enhance Your Resume:
      • Having a production credit on a recognized platform will significantly enhance your resume. It shows that you have practical experience and have successfully completed a media project from start to finish.
    • College Applications:
      • Including this project in your college applications will demonstrate your initiative, creativity, and ability to manage and complete a significant undertaking. It highlights your interest in media production and your commitment to exploring your passions.
    • Job Applications:
      • For those of you considering a career in media, communications, or any related field, this experience will be invaluable. Employers will appreciate your hands-on experience and the skills you have developed through this project.

What to Expect

  • Regular Meetings:
    • We will have regular video conference meetings and collaboration sessions to guide you through the process.
  • Individual Support:
    • You will receive individual support and feedback to help you overcome challenges and ensure the success of your project.
  • Networking:
    • This project is also an excellent opportunity to network with peers and professionals in the media industry.

We are confident that this project will be a rewarding and enriching experience for each of you. We look forward to seeing the amazing content you create and to helping you develop skills that will benefit you in your future educational and career endeavors.



Initial Group Meeting / Project Introduction Format

Objective: To orient students to the Bridgeton Beacon Media Production Project, outline expectations, and provide an overview of the project structure and tools.

I. Welcome and Introduction (15 minutes)

  • Welcome Address:
    • Introduce yourself and any other facilitators.
    • Provide a brief overview of the Bridgeton Beacon and its mission.
  • Icebreaker Activity:
    • Have each student introduce themselves, share their interests in media production, and any prior experience they may have.

II. Project Overview (20 minutes)

  • Project Goals and Objectives:
    • Explain the overall goals of the project.
    • Outline the objectives and what students will achieve by the end of the project.
  • Course Structure:
    • Provide an overview of the phases of the project (Topic Selection, Planning, Production, Post-Production, Design and Distribution).
    • Highlight the key milestones and deliverables for each phase.

III. Project Management Tools (15 minutes)

  • Introduction to Tools:
    • Explain the project management tools that will be used (e.g., Trello, Asana, Google Drive).
    • Demonstrate how to access and use these tools for task tracking and collaboration.
  • Access and Setup:
    • Ensure each student has access to the necessary tools and accounts.
    • Guide them through setting up their profiles and initial project tasks.

IV. Expectations and Requirements (10 minutes)

  • Student Responsibilities:
    • Outline the responsibilities of each student throughout the project.
    • Emphasize the importance of regular participation in video conferences and collaboration sessions.
  • Technical Requirements:
    • Discuss the technical requirements (high-speed internet, video conferencing capabilities, up-to-date browsers).
    • Provide solutions or alternatives for any potential technical issues.

V. Q&A Session (15 minutes)

  • Open Floor:
    • Encourage students to ask any questions they have about the project, tools, or expectations.
    • Address any concerns or uncertainties they may have.

VI. Topic Selection and Individual Project Planning (20 minutes)

  • Approved Topics:
    • Present the list of approved art-related topics.
    • Explain the criteria for topic selection and how to choose a topic that aligns with their interests and skills.
  • Initial Brainstorming:
    • Give students time to think about potential topics.
    • Facilitate a brief brainstorming session where students can share their ideas and get initial feedback.

VII. Next Steps and Closing (10 minutes)

  • Outline Next Steps:
    • Explain the immediate next steps (e.g., finalizing topic selection, setting up individual meetings).
    • Provide a timeline for when these steps should be completed.
  • Closing Remarks:
    • Reiterate the goals and excitement for the project.
    • Encourage students to reach out if they have any further questions or need support.

Materials Needed:

  • Presentation slides outlining the project structure and phases.
  • Access details for project management tools.
  • List of approved topics.
  • Contact information for facilitators.


  • Send a summary email with key points discussed, next steps, and important links/resources.
  • Schedule individual meetings to finalize topic selections and start planning.

Project Steps