World War II Spam Stories
July 17, 2021

Dave Hitchner - Bridgeton Invitational Baseball Tournament

Dave Hitchner - Bridgeton Invitational Baseball Tournament

The 53rd annual Bridgeton Invitiational Baseball Tournament just wrapped up its Spring Classic last month at the iconic Alden Field. The legacy and impact of the BIBT is indispensable - not just to the history of Bridgeton - but also to the history of baseball.

Dave Hitchner sat down for breakfast with Meg at the Golden Pigeon Diner for breakfast to discuss the history of this tournament.

Dave has been involved with the tournament since its inception, first as a player, then as a committee member, and more recently behind the scenes.  Dave has been instrumental in keeping the tournament a timeless tradition in the great city of Bridgeton.

Topics include - Bridgeton Invitationals - Jerry Alden - Ben Lynch - Joe Dimaggio - Willie Mays - Steve Carlton - Phillie Phanatic - Bridgeton NJ & Baseball 

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