World War II Spam Stories
April 24, 2023

Cherry Lane Farms in Bridgeton 🍒

Take a stroll and see the local produce at Cherry Lane Farms.

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The Bridgeton Beacon

We join Lewis Dipietro at Cherry Lane Farms, on Roadstown Road, for a springtime walkthrough. 🍅 Learn more about the community supported agriculture program, and how you can participate.

Cherry Lane Farms

802 Roadstown Rd

Bridgeton, NJ 08302



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Brought to you, in part, by the Greater Bridgeton Area Chamber of Commerce & Cumberland Development Corp - 


All right, we're here this afternoon at Cherry Lane Farms, which is located on Rhodestown Road in Bridgetton, but it's actually Stow Creek Township. I'm here with Lou Dupeetri, who's the owner. He's going to give us a quick tour. What you got going on today, Lou? Well, we got a couple things coming on. We're just starting our strawberries and our asparagus. I also do fig trees. Started as a hobby, not that many people do them, but now I have over 100 and 550 trees that I have. And we picked figs all fall. We have figs late August, September and October 1 of the only people to do figs. And we also do a lot of other vegetables. We do fresh local eggs from a farmer nearby. 3s We have some asparagus and strawberries 3s from our greenhouse. This is Brussels sprouts. They were actually wintered over, and we're just picking them and they'll have them another couple of weeks. And then we have just started some asparagus, some Jersey asparagus, 1s and that comes up usually all through May. And then we'll start stopping. I got my strawberries, which is really good. Greenhouse strawberries are real nice variety and we started them last year, and greenhouses and you just started harvesting this year. It just gives us a jump on things. We don't have a lot, but it gives us a jump, gets people excited to come out to the market. That's why I came out here today, to get my strawberries. There's a little bit of a run on them, I hear. Yeah, it's been hard to keep them in stock, so we pick up a couple of cases a day and that's all we have. But once our field comes on, we'll have plenty. So they usually come on the end of May, 1 June. Excellent. Tell me about the Community Supported Agriculture because I saw that on your Facebook page and I wanted to get some more information about that. Is the deadline to sign up coming up here? Yeah. So it starts next Tuesday, and we'll take people after the deadline and just deduct $30 worth of produce for the one week that we missed. How does it work? What's it work? It's a ten week program. You sign up and so CSA is Community Supported Agriculture, so you're giving $300 up front, and it helps the farmer myself get the produce in and help buy the seeds and the fertilizer to get things started. And then for the next ten weeks, as things come on and things change, you'll get different varieties. So next week might be like asparagus, some strawberries, some Brussels sprouts, some kale, Robs, and lettuce get some shots of the. And spinach and lettuce and kale. Is this where is this all grown? This is all grown on my farm. We grow everything here. I try to have nothing but my own vegetables. Spinach was planted last year and it was wintered over. And then we'll have some lettuce from our baby, lettuces from our greenhouses, and this is Kale Rob. So this was kale last fall, and it blows out the Rob. And then you eat the rob just like Broccoli rob. But Kale Rob is a little sweeter. It doesn't have the bit. And this is Broccoli Robs. So they'll get all this in their box for this next Tuesday, and then the following week, as things change, maybe as more asparagus comes on, they might get a little more asparagus when the peas come on. Or we have some greenhouse heirloom tomatoes coming on soon, and beef steak tomatoes. So we'll put them into the box and we'll mix things up. We'll have some eggplant and all the things as they change for the season. And everybody comes once a week what is that? On Tuesday to pick up their yep, on Tuesdays our pickup day, and we're pretty laid back, so if, God forbid, you can't make it, we're here open on Thursday and Friday or even Saturday. Just give us a heads up and we'll try and accommodate you, but we prefer everybody come on Tuesday. Excellent. Usually we're going to be open from eleven to six every Tuesday. Eleven to six every Tuesday. I happen to stop in here on my lunch hour on a Thursday. Are you open every day during the week? Yeah. No, just Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Right out here. And tell me the address again. Is 802 Rhodes Down Road, Briston, New Jersey. Lou, thank you so much for letting me stop by and giving us the tour, and I will definitely be back, and everybody else should be, too. Well, thank you. Have a good day. 2s All right. So you were telling me about the different partnerships that you have with other local businesses. So let's hear you tell me again. Yeah, so what we do anything that's not ours, we try to always keep it local. So we also have blackbird local. She's here on Fridays and Saturdays. She drops off her things. And we also work with a local honey bee perk girl. Her name Frog Ocean Honey, and she also supplies us with honey throughout the season so that we can have different varieties of honey. She does some infused honeys. We also had a local person that was doing canning, and she was doing cowboy candy and a couple of different varieties of apple butter. And then she did some culinary lavender. We have a lavender lady that lives down the street, and she also supplies us with some lavender. And anything different than we try to get, we try to get local if it's not from our farm. Thank you. All right.

Lewis DePietro - Cherry Lane Farms of Roadstown


Cherry Lane Farms of Roadstown has been providing seasonal fruits and vegetables to the local community for over 40 years! They are open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 11-5 and Saturdays 11-2.

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